Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to export the documents from sharepoint document library to hard drive

Sample to export the documents from sharepoint document library to hard drive

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
namespace ExportDocuments
    class Exportdoc
        private static void Main()
            string strDownloadPath = @"C:\MyDownloadFolder\";//physical location
            string url = "http://Site_Url";
            using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new SPSite(url))
                SPWebCollection collWebsites = oSiteCollection.AllWebs;
                Console.WriteLine("Websites Count: {0}", collWebsites.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("  ");
                string rootwebtitle = oSiteCollection.RootWeb.Title;
                foreach (SPWeb oWebsite in collWebsites)
                    Console.WriteLine("Site : " + oWebsite.Title);
                    //Path to download the files
                    string websiteurl = oWebsite.Url;
                    string framedUrl = websiteurl.Replace(oSiteCollection.Url, "");
                    string path = strDownloadPath + "\\" + rootwebtitle + framedUrl.Replace('/', '\\');
                    DownloadDocs(oWebsite.Url, path);
            Console.WriteLine("Please click enter to exit");
       private static void DownloadDocs(string siteURL, string sitepath)
            //List of OOTB document libraries - These doc libraries will not be downloaded
            List<string> ootbLib = new List<string>();
            ootbLib.Add("Converted Forms");
            ootbLib.Add("Form Templates");
            ootbLib.Add("List Template Gallery");
            ootbLib.Add("Master Page Gallery");
            ootbLib.Add("Reporting Templates");
            ootbLib.Add("Site Collection Documents");
            ootbLib.Add("Site Collection Images");
            ootbLib.Add("Site Template Gallery");
            ootbLib.Add("Style Library");
            ootbLib.Add("Web Part Gallery");
            using (SPSite oSite = new SPSite(siteURL))
                using (SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb())
                    foreach (SPList list in oWeb.Lists)
                        string actpath = sitepath + "\\" + list.Title+ "\\"  ;
                        if (list.BaseType == SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary)
                            if (!ootbLib.Exists(delegate(string p) { return p.Trim() == list.Title; }))
                                Console.WriteLine("Downloading from Library ::" + list.Title);
        private static void TraverseAllListItems(SPList list,string path)
            SPQuery qry = new SPQuery();
            qry.ViewAttributes = "Scope=\"Recursive\"";
                SPListItemCollection ic = list.GetItems(qry);
                foreach (SPListItem subitem in ic)
                    string actpath = path + "\\" + subitem.Url;
                    string itemurl = subitem.Url;
                    int index = itemurl.IndexOf("/");
                    string subpath = itemurl.Substring(index + 1);
                    string finalpath = path + subpath;
                    finalpath = finalpath.Replace(subitem.Name, "");
                    finalpath = finalpath.Replace("/", "\\");
                    byte[] binFile = subitem.File.OpenBinary();
                    System.IO.FileStream fstream = System.IO.File.Create(finalpath + "\\" + subitem.Name);
                    fstream.Write(binFile, 0, binFile.Length);
            catch (Exception e)
 Happy coding :)